EarthArt by Bernhard Edmaier

Introducing EarthArt

Editor Alex Stetter previews our forthcoming book with the acclaimed aerial photographer Bernhard Edmaier


EarthArt is a spectacular collection of breathtaking aerial photographs of the Earth’s surface – from the Bahamas to Iceland, New Zealand to North America and Europe to Alaska – ordered by colour to display the stunning variety of the colours of the Earth. Divided into colour-coded chapters (blue, green, yellow, orange, red, violet, brown, grey/black and white), EarthArt offers an astounding and rarely seen view of the world’s surface. The images are presented on a black background for maximum effect but in the jewel-bright pages of this book, the colour wheel comes to life.





Phaidon's production controller Adela Cory oversaw the making of EarthArt with no small amount of assistance from Edmaier himself.

"The biggest challenge with this book was ensuring that the printed pages matched up to the amazing photographs. The book is themed around its colours, and so we wanted vivid pigments, but we didn't want to saturate the pages so that the detail was lost. Fortunately, Edmaier supplied us with both digital files and his own reference prints of the photographs, so we knew exactly what he wanted. We used an Italian printing firm that makes incredibly high-quality photo books to produce this title. It was a challenging job, as each photograph is set within a black border, and there is unusually high ink coverage. To obtain the best possible result we used a special high-density black ink and applied a gloss varnish overall to seal the page and give it a beautiful finish. We have a good working relationship with Bernhard Edmaier, which made the title a little easier. He even went to the printers himself to pass the book's production and was fascinated by the process. It's nice to have an artist so heavily involved with the production process. In this instance, I think it really paid off."





Hardback | 350 x 297 mm

224 pages | 160 images | 2.53 kg






Bernhard Edmaier was born in 1957 near Munich, Germany, and went on to study civil engineering, before switching to geography. He later trained as a photographer, and has subsequently combined his photographic skills with his passion for natural landscape, capturing exceptional areas of the earth with an incredibly high degree of skill and artistry. He has published four books with Phaidon: Earthsong (2004), Earth on Fire (2009), Patterns of the Earth (2007) and EarthArt (October 2013). Edmaier has also won many awards, including The Most Beautiful German Science Book of the Year, the Kodak Photo Book Prize and a Hasselblad Master Award. He founded his own photo agency, Geophot, over two decades ago, and continues to shoot and exhibit around the world.

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