Steve McCurry's Iconic Photographs #2
Video of the Magnum photographer describing an incredible two days spent in Niger, eating and staying with a family and observing the extraordinary marriage ritual captured in his photograph Young Wadabi Men
Today's Steve McCurry Iconic Photographs video sees the Magnum photographer talking about his shot Young Wadabi Men. It was taken in Niger in 1986. Steve was being driven across the West African country when he noticed a small gathering of people in a field by the side of the road. He stopped the car to investigate and ended up staying two days, observing a marriage ritual in which young men put on elaborate clothes and make up and danced for the girls in the village.
"I'd never seen anything like this," Steve tells us. "They were very accepting and hospitable. I slept in their village that night and took more photographs the next day. It was extraordinary, something that most people would never see." Watch the video below and check out Steve's The Iconic Photographs in the store and check out our extensive Steve McCurry online content.