Fabian von Hauske and Jeremiah Stone; image courtesy of their podcast Istagram @elfabandjerryshow

Seriously, have the Contra chefs just launched a podcast?

Jeremiah Stone and Fabian Von Hauske talk food, wine, and ‘other nonsense’ with fellow industry insiders

Fabian von Hauske and Jeremiah Stone, the chefs behind the simple, perfectly formed NYC restaurants Contra and Wildair, are pretty popular outside the kitchen too.

The comedian and wine lover Eric Wareheim wrote the foreword for their publication, A Very Serious Cookbook; GQ made the pair its Chefs of the Year in 2018, and now they've started their own podcast series, the El Fab & Jerry Show. 



They’re only a couple of episodes in, but already they’ve had Andy Ricker, one of the most highly acclaimed chefs in America cooking Thai food; and fellow NY chef Daniel Eddy, who made his name at the restaurant Rebelle.



It’s a great listen for those even moderately curious about the workings of the restaurant world; together, they cover the long working hours, the hunt for authenticity, the changing expectations of diners, and why we’re probably not going to see a $23 burger any time soon. Oh, and it’s also a lot of fun, even if you’re not big into cooks and cookery; El Fab and Jerry clearly have as good a working relationship in front of a mic as they do beside a gas burner.


A Very Serious Cookbook
A Very Serious Cookbook

You can stream those first two episodes here, and for more on their working practices, as well as plenty of recipes, order a copy of A Very Serious Cookbook here.