A few more reasons to buy The Nordic Baking Book
Acclaimed chef Magnus Nilsson explains why baking from his new book is so easy a child could do it (he made some of the recipes in it when he was a schoolboy!)
Some home cooks might find baking and unfamiliar cuisines a bit of a challenge. So they may be surprised that we're recommending they have a go at some of the recipes in The Nordic Baking Book.
Why? Well, in this short video its author, the acclaimed Swedish chef Magnus Nilsson, says reveals why the book is so remarkably simple to cook from. “The vast majority of the recipes are being reproduced everyday in Scandinavian homes,” he says, “they’re very easy to approach.” Magnus even used to make one recipe – chocolate oatmeal balls – when he was a school kid.
Also, plenty of these Nordic recipes bear strong similarities to the kind of baked goods you might find in France, Italy or England. “People have been travelling and have been sharing cultural information for a very long time,” Magnus explains.
To share in these tasty and easy to follow slices of cultural comestibles, buy a copy of The Nordic Baking Book here.