4 Dishes for a Healthier, Happier and Wealthier Chinese New Year #4 Laughing Donut Holes
Want a smile on your face throughout 2017? Then try this simple Chinese snack, believed to help you find happiness
Plenty of dishes can make us happy, yet few recipes occupy as jolly a place within East Asian culture as Laughing Donut Holes. Crunch down a couple of these over the lunar New Year and, according to Kei Lum Chan, co-author of our new book China: The Cookbook, you’ll keep smiling well into 2017.
“It is very popular in South China to serve these to guests as a snack during the Chinese New Year,” Kei Lum Chan says. “The dish is so named because the round dough balls, when deep fried, will crack open like someone laughing. Eat these, and you are supposed to be able to laugh throughout the year.”
You can download the full recipe here, and for many more recipes for a healthier, wealthier and happier 2017 you should order a copy of China: The Cookbook here.