Detroit reimagined as an urban farm by 2050, from The World We Made

Incredible, edible cities anyone?

Why environmentalist and author Jonathon Porritt believes our cities might soon really sustain us

The World We Made

The World We Made shows us an exciting future that is within our reach, envisioning how a genuinely sustainable world could look if we face the challenges arising right now. It is the story of our narrator from 2050, Alex McKay, whose part-history, part-personal memoir charts the key events, technological breakthroughs and lifestyle revolutions that make the world what it is in 2050. The breadth of topics ranges from urban farming to robotics, global financial recovery to combatting malaria, and slow travel to the energy internet, all richly illustrated with futuristic imagery, infographics and hand drawn sketches. All royalties will go to support the work of Forum for the Future, one of the world's leading non-profit organisations working towards a sustainable future.