Here's Bruce Mau to tell you about his new book!
MC24 is the book we need right now to change our lives, change how we work and change our futures. Watch the legendary designer explain
We admit the title of Bruce Mau's new book, MC24, does sound a little bit like a secret formula. But if you dig into what that MC bit stands for you'll find that it means Massive Change. And those two words really, are at the heart of Mau's success.
As chief design officer of Freeman, one of the world's largest brand-experience companies, and co-founder/CEO of Massive Change Network (MCN), a Chicago-based global design consultancy MauMau has brought just that to companies as diverse as: Netflix, Asics, Sonos, Audi and Samsung.
Now we can all apply his secret formulae every day, via his new book MC24 which delivers his hard-won knowledge in the form of a highly-readable manifesto packed with generous advice, tips and galvanizing principles to overhaul the way we think and inspire massive and sustainable change in our lives.
As Bruce says in the introduction: "Practically everything we do today needs to change. We are still doing most things as if we own nature and have unlimited resources. We work as if waste is not a problem; we treat our oceans like a pantry and a toilet; we think short term, party like there’s no tomorrow, and pass the check to the future; we dump problems that we can’t solve into places that we can’t see. And many of our solutions create more problems than they correct."
You can read here, how he developed his MC24 principles when he couldn’t answer one very simple question. But for now, sit back and watch Bruce talk about the new book from his Toronto studio.
Then head into the store for the book or click here for some more Bruce Mau Know.