Success at our Failed It! launch
London's creative types love the look of art director Erik Kessels’ fabulous, fun guide to failing better
The Dutch creative director, photo curator, artist and author Erik Kessels may have dedicated his latest book, Failed It!, to the fine art of making mistakes, yet at the book’s launch, on Thursday at the KK Outlet in Hoxton Square, everything went off without a hitch.

East London’s creative community came along to admire some delightfully screwed-up photographs from the book, mingle, get their books signed by Kessels himself, and, of course, enjoy some free drinks.

OK, perhaps a couple of the posters and displays were upside down, though we're pretty sure that was intentional.
If you missed last week’s launch, you can gain valuable insight into other ways of failing better at lunchtime today. Come along to a free talk at the KK outlet, where speakers, including the artist Ron ‘Supermundane’ Lowe, the sculptor Wilfrid Wood, and Jamie Mcintyre Lead Art Director at It's Nice That, will discuss their own personal failings. Find out more here, and for a great guide to a life of successful failure, get Failed It! here.