Philip Treacy's hat for the statue of Sir Henry Havelock

Philip Treacy on show in Trafalgar square

Milliner to rock stars and royals creates iridescent headwear for Sir Henry Havelock as part of Hatwalk

Milliner Philip Treacy is one of the big names taking part in Hatwalk, an art event in London's Trafalgar Square as part of the 2012 Olympics. The milliner to the royal family is co-curator of the event which sees 21 established and emerging millinery talents recreate headwear for some of the capital's most famous hat-wearing statues - including Lord Nelson, King George IV and Shakespeare. Treacy has created an iridescent satellite creation which adorns the statue of British general Sir Henry Havelock in the square. Admiral Lord Nelson, meanwhile, is decorated with a hat and an Olympic torch, designed by Sylvia Fletcher of Locke and Co., the company famed for making Nelson’s original bicorn hat.


Lord Nelson
Lord Nelson