'Everything now is too chaotic' says Dieter Rams
Legendary German designer calls for a return to simplicity
We’re big fans of Dieter Rams here at Phaidon HQ and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) is currently hosting the exhibition Less and More (until February 20, 2012) showcasing more than 200 models and objects created by the influential industrial designer for the German household appliance company Braun.
In this video Jacob Becker, one of the show's curators, explains the philosophy behind Rams's designs and the minimalist ethos which has made his products so aesthetically and ergonomically distinctive.
The video also offers the chance to hear Rams’s thoughts on what he believes might be the key design principles for the future.
Unsurprisingly, Apple comes in top as the company Rams believes is currently taking product design most seriously. As you'll be able to tell, the video was shot just before Steve Jobs passed away.