Our VIP lounge with Artspace and Maison de la Luz at Untitled Art, Miami. Image courtesy of Maison de la Luz's Instagram

Take a look at Artspace and Phaidon's VIP lounge in Miami

Come along to enjoy art, music, design and plenty of beautiful books at Untitled, Miami Beach

What would you place in your ideal lounge? Some books and some art of course, as well as perhaps good music, an outdoor terrace (with a sea view of course) and finally some cultured company, we don't doubt.  Well, you’re in luck. From today until Sunday 9 Dec Phaidon and our sister company Artspace will be hosting a VIP lounge at the Miami Beach art fair, Untitled.


The VIP lounge at Untitled
The VIP lounge at Untitled

The New Olreans boutique hotel Maison de la Luz – opening early 2019 – is co-hosting the lounge, and has provided a little Louisiana style and charm, courtesy of its interior designers, Studio Shamshiri. Visitors can enjoy music on vinyl, original artworks and over 100 carefully curated books.

If you’re in town, come along; if you're visiting Miami don't forget your Wallpaper* City Guide. And iff you're not, but you're interested in other carefully curated collections, take a look at our gift guide sets, here.