LE Corbusier: Ideas and Forms by William J R Curtis

William Curtis's Le Corb book gets another award!

The International Committee of Architectural Critics honours Ideas and Forms with a Bruno Zevi Award

Sometimes, updating a book can involve little more than adding a short appendix. On other occasions it can constitute a complete reworking. The latest edition of William JR Curtis’s legendary 1994 text, Le Corbusier: Ideas and Forms, falls into the latter category.


Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut - Le Corbusier
Chapelle Notre Dame du Haut - Le Corbusier

Curtis is a world-renowned expert on the architect and an award-winning historian. His 2015 edition of Le Corbusier: Ideas and Forms, published in the year of the fiftieth anniversary of Le Corbusier’s death, is rigorously rethought, reworked and redesigned and includes new scholarship and sources, extending the author’s research and insights.

It would have been difficult for the International Committee of Architectural Critics to give their Bruno Zevi Book Award 2017 to Curtis, since the book is technically an update, rather than a new, original work.


Villa Savoye - Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret
Villa Savoye - Le Corbusier and Pierre Jeanneret

However, the CICA gave a Special Mention for the Excellence of the second edition to the author, in honour of his 2015 editions. This plaudit adds to glowing press coverage, and effusive online reviews. “Buy this if you’re interested at all in architecture,” says one Amazon review, “or buy it for someone who is.” We certainly support this view. It's another great gift from Phaidon, or rather William, to you. To find out more about the book and order a copy go here.