Can you spot Noma on Olafur Eliasson's shelfie?
Hands up who spotted this picture in our new book Studio Olafur Eliasson The Kitchen
Later today we'll be bringing you an interview with the artist and chef Asako Iwama who worked and cooked in Olafur Eliasson's studio from 2005 to 2014. She's speaking at an event in New York next week to introduce our new book, Studio Olafur Eliasson The Kitchen.
While we were putting the pictures together for that story though, we came across this great shelfie image from Olafur's studio which we thought you'd like to see. It's a small glimpse into the huge array of inspirations and flavours that go into feeding the creative minds and bodies of Studio Olafur Eliasson staff each day. Naturally, René Redzepi is in the mix with his Phaidon book Noma nestling near slightly less conceptual, though equally popular, copies of Nigel Slater's Appetite and two of The River Café Cookbooks.
Studio Olafur Eliasson The Kitchen focuses on the idea that good food, prepared well and eaten together can feed creativity. Alice Waters wrote the foreword for the collection of 100 vegetarian recipes for the home cook that celebrates the communal spirit of cooking and eating at Studio Eliasson. In it she confesses that though "getting a glimpse into Olafur's magical world is a rare pleasure - his study along a rare cabinet of wonders - I always try to time my visits to coincide with lunch." And you can find out why Alice does that here.