The 12 Days of Architecture: #8 Casar de Cáceres, Spain
Casar de Cáceres Bus Station by Justo García Rubío
Bus stations are traditionally rather utilitarian buildings, but in Casar de Cáceres in western Spain, local architect Justo García Rubío has created a scructure unlike any you may have encountered.
Historically, buildings in the area are normally created from a single material, but Rubío has not only used one material, he has constructed the entire structure from one loop of reinforced concrete. The resulting design looks to have been sharply flicked up from the surface of the road and like it might flip back down and change shape at any moment.
Justo García Rubío works mainly in concrete and has created many sculptural forms including, most recently, a curled concrete column water tank in Ribera del Fresno, southern Spain.