The Art of the Plant – Edward Steichen

Great images by artists and photographers who've been inspired by our natural world

Delphiniums by Edward Steichen, 1940. Dye imbibition print, 33 °— 23.4 cm / 13 °— 91/4 in George Eastman Museum, Rochester, New York. From Plant

The fine art posters that fired a revolution

A new exhibition looks back at the home made stencilled posters that bolstered the Bolsheviks

One of Vladimir Lebedev's Rosta posters, c. 1920. As reproduced in Iron Fists

T Magazine’s Elemental Living weekend getaway

The NY Times style mag offered a virtual weekend escape via Instagram and our book Elemental Living

John Pawson, Montauk House, Montauk, NY, USA. Picture credit: Gilbert McCarragher. From Elemental Living

Why Josef Albers’ squares began in black and white

David Zwirner’s current Josef Albers exhibition shows the monochromatic side of the great artist and colour theorist

Homage to the Square (A), (1950) by Josef Albers. Oil on Masonite 31 1/8 x 31 1/8 x 1 1/8 inches (79.1 x 79.1 x 2.9 cm) © 2016 The Josef and Anni Albers Foundation/Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

Celia Hempton - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Celia Hempton photographed by Arnaud Lajeunie

John Pawson turns bunker into ancient art gallery

This Berlin bunker might appear rather brutal but it's now home to some rarefied East Asian art and furnishings

The Feuerle Collection. Photograph by Friederike von Rauch

A Movement in a Moment: Humanist Photography

A look at the photographers who used their burgeoning skills to create a new sense of dignity

Allie Mae Burroughs (1936) by Walker Evans

How to mix the perfect autumn cocktail

As Daylight Saving ends it's time to enjoy an autumnal drink, courtesy of our new book Regarding Cocktails

Could Trump's wall become a Luis Barragán tribute?

That's certainly the proposal from Mexican architects who've painted the candidate's border barrier Barragán pink

Estudio 3.14's wall proposal. Renderings by Agustín I Ávalos

Grace's greatest photographers - Peter Lindbergh

In honour of Grace Coddington's new publication, Saving Grace: My Fashion Archive 1968-2016, the Vogue legend name checks some of her favourite photographers, beginning with the man who inaugurated the supermodel era

Carolyn Murphy in Miu Miu, Tobey Maguire in Brooks Brothers, and Laurie Metcalf; hair, Didier Malige; makeup, Stéphane Marais; set design, Viki Rutsch; New York, April 2013. Courtesy The Condé Nast Publications. From Grace: The American Vogue Years, and Saving Grace: My Fashion Archive 1968-2016. Photograph by Peter Lindbergh

The Art of the Plant – Thomas Ruff

More great images by artists and photographers who've been inspired by flora

neg◊stil_03, 2015, by Thomas Ruff. From Plant: Exploring the Botanical World

Robert Mapplethorpe by Juergen Teller

The fashion photographer combs through Mapplethorpe's archives to show unseen sides of Robert's work

Frogs 1984 © Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation. Used by permission Courtesy Alison Jacques Gallery, London

Christie's Strangest Sales – Holly Golightly's dress

How the world’s most famous dress went for £.5 million, funding schools for poor Indian children

Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly in Breakfast at
Tiffany's (1961). From Going Once: 250 Years of Culture, Taste and Collecting at Christie’s. SALE: 5 December 2006, London; ESTIMATE: £50,000–70,000/$98,700–138,000; SOLD £467,200/$922,250

How you got a drink from the world's best bar man

Milk & Honey founder Sasha Petraske had some clear rules about who could drink on the house - here they are

Sasha Petraske

Will this LA house be in Blade Runner 2049?

This Frank Lloyd Wright building doubled as Deckard's apartment in the first film. Could it make the sequel?

The Ennis House, as featured in Mid-Century Modern Architecture Travel Guide: West Coast USA

The mysterious wolf in today’s dogs (even this one)

In our new book Evolution photographer Robert Clark looks into the ancient, lupine origins of man's best friend

One of Robert Clark's dog photographs. From Evolution: A Visual Record

Virgilio and André Chiang hit the night market

The great Peruvian chef met up with his Asian counterpart for street-food fun on his haute cuisine world tour

Ándre Chiang (far left) and Virgilio Martinez (centre) at the night market in Taipei, Oct 2016

The Art of the Plant – Irving Penn

In a series of excerpts from Plant: Exploring the Botanical World we look at artists inspired by flora

Single Oriental Poppy (C), 1968 by Irving Penn. From Plant: Exploring the Botanical World

When the imperfect is perfect!

Discover why Japan’s finest ceramicists don’t hide their faults, but celebrate them

One of Kosuke Fujimoto's creations. From Arita / Table of Contents

Leidy Churchman - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Leidy Churchman 2016

George Lucas goes MAD for Star Wars museum

Following the unveiling of two new museum proposals, we look at what drew the director towards MAD Architects

San Francisco concept design renderings for the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art by MAD Architects. Image courtesy of Lucas Museum of Narrative Art.

The Art of the Plant – Ellsworth Kelly

In a series of excerpts from Plant: Exploring the Botanical World we look at artists inspired by flora

Sweet Pea (1960) by Ellsworth Kelly. From Plant: Exploring the Botanical World

Nigel Cooke on the sanctity of Bacon's studio

For Cooke, the relocation of Frances Bacon's studio both monumentalised and violated his creative space

Francis Bacon's Kensington studio

Sandra Gamarra - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Sandra Gamarra in her studio in 2015 photographed by Antoine Henry Jonquères

The story behind Sterling Ruby's Stoves

Art, craft, or something else unprecedented? Read how the artist collapsed the wall between art and non art

Sterling Ruby - Black Stoves 1, 2, 3, 4 painted stainless steel - installation view at La Museé de la Chasse et de la Nature, Paris

When Magnum captured a moment in Manhattan

The dreadful events of September 11 were recorded in countless images - none more powerful than these

From Magnum Photobook The Catalogue Raisonné

Aliza Nisenbaum - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Aliza Nisenbaum photographed by Brad Ogbonna

Christie's Strangest Sales - A Rembrandt Rumpus

How one buyer's complicated bidding signals backfired badly when a Rembrandt was auctioned at Christie's

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669), Portrait of the Artist’s Son Titus, c.1655, oil on canvas, 65 x 56 cm (24½ x 20½ in) SALE 19 March 1965, London
SOLD 760,000 guineas/ £798,000/$2,234,400 EQUIVALENT TODAY £13,800,000/$19,905,000

Virgilio Martinez and friends give food for thought

Food on the Edge festival plays host to nourishing bites from Massimo Bottura, Daniel Burns and Will Goldfarb

Virgilio Martinez of Central and Matt Orlando of Amass at Food on the Edge photo Declan Monaghan

Marwan 1934 - 2016

We look back at the work of a veteran Syrian painter whose work many were only just beginning to appreciate

Marwan. Image courtesy of The Mosaic Rooms

Daniel Boyd - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Daniel Boyd in the studio 2016

A high-rise for Africa's slums

Nigerian designer Olalekan Jeyifous envisions a multi-storey dystopia for Lagos’s poorest citizens

Shanty Mega-structures by Olalekan Jeyifous

The dark heart of Nigel Cooke’s Bathers

Discover how this lush, lewd painting by the UK artist examines the ultimate mystery that lies at the centre of his art

Bathers (2011) by Nigel Cooke. As reproduced in our new Contemporary Artist Series book devoted to the painter.

When Picasso met René Burri

On the anniversary of Picasso's birth, we take a look at a momentous meeting of two impressive talents

Pablo Picasso, Villa la Californie, Canne, 1957 - René Burri

Andy Warhol’s body of art

The Andy Warhol Museum’s new show looks at how the artist examined his body and others in a series of works

Andy Warhol, Self-Portrait (Passport Photograph with Altered Nose), 1956, The Andy Warhol Museum, Pittsburgh, © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

Have fun at Annabelle Selldorf’s YMCA

Reworked by Selldorf Architects the YMCA where Warhol was once a member is on the market for $14.5m

213 West 23rd Street. Photograph: Tim Waltman Courtesy of Compass

Laura Lancaster - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Laura Lancaster, East Hampton residency, 2015

Danny Lyon and the New Journalism

A new exhibition shows why we should view the photographer’s 20th century shots as faithful first drafts of history

SNCC staff sit-in, Atlanta, Georgia, 1963 © Danny Lyon. From the Seventh Dog

Oscar Murillo - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Oscar Murillo 2016

MAD's glowing home for China's leading orchestra

China Philharmonic Orchestra has just revealed its brilliant new Beijing concert hall designed by MAD Architects

A rendering for the new China Philharmonic Concert Hall by MAD Architects. Image courtesy of MAD

Watch Pharrell kiss Agnès Varda in JR's new film

The artist introduced francophone audiences to a few of his famous pals in a new Canal + video, Carte Blanche

Agnès Varda and Pharrell Williams, as posted on JR's Instagram

Happy birthday Arita!

Nestling among rice fields the Japanese town, famed for the purity of its porcelain, is 400 years old this year

From Arita/ Table of Contents

Massimo and Kerry James Marshall are NYT Greats

The chef and the painter join William Eggleston, Lady Gaga, Junya Watanabe and Michelle Obama on Greats List

Massimo Bottura photographed by Bea de Giacomo and Kerry James Marshall's self portrait on the cover of this Sunday's New York Times' T Magazine. Images courtesy of the New York Times

Phaidon authors dominate ArtReview's Power 100

From Ai Weiwei to Yayoi Kusama, Hans Ulrich Obrist to Isa Genzken, Phaidon folk feature highly in this year's list

Hans Ulrich Obrist, artistic director of the Serpentine Galleries and Phaidon author tops the ArtReview Power 100 2016

Brooklyn's in bloom!

Phaidon teamed up with Garden Collage in a horticultural paradise to celebrate our new book Plant

How Garden Collage welcomed guests to the Botany Salon. Photograph by Andreana Bitsis

Madame Tussauds is building a Yayoi Kusama zone

A replica of the Japanese artist will go on display inside a polka-dot themed room in the Hong Kong branch

A Madame Tussauds employee takes measurements for the new Yayoi Kusama zone.

Virgilio's brush with Gwyneth Paltrow on US tour

The Peruvian chef mingled with authors and even a Hollywood star during his book tour of North America

Virgilio Martinez works alongside Corey Lee at InSitu, San Francisco

Rafael Vega - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Rafael Vega

Wallpaper* City Guide launches in Paris

The Amastan hotel provided a cool, polished setting to celebrate the publication of the new guide

Ahnna Lee, Zied Sanhaji (Owner, Amastan) and guest. Photograph by Thomas Smith

What did David Bowie write on this design classic?

Discover the stories behind this Sottsass piece and others in the singer's collection on sale at Sotheby's

Valentine portable typewriter by Ettore Sottsass with Perry King. Image courtesy of Sotheby's

When Abbas shot the Islamic Revolution

The Iranian photographer is one of the many greats featured in Magnum Photobook The Catalogue Raisonné

Abbas  - Revolutionary Iran, 1979

The story behind Sterling Ruby's Super Max

With typical sleight of hand Ruby uses minimalism and landscape while at the same time critiquing them

Sterling Ruby - Exhibition View, Supermax 2008, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, 2008

Alex Katz is designing an H&M collection

The artist is offering his images on womenswear, menswear, accessories, and home décor this Christmas

Ada with Bathing Cap (1982) by Alex Katz. As reproduced in our book

Toby Mott on the punk poster that caused a car crash

The Oh So Pretty Punk In Print 1976-80 compiler on the distraction a risqué Slits poster caused one London driver

The Slits - Cut

Ulrike Müller - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Ulrike Müller - photograph courtesy of the artist and Callicoon Fine Arts, NY. Photo: (c) - Lorenz Seidler

How Aussie builders could save this Brutalist gem

Sydney's construction unions ban their members from knocking down architecturally important Sirius building

The Sirius apartment building in Sydney. Photograph by Craig Hayman, courtesy of

Martin Parr turns his lens on Belfast

In a new exhibition the Magum President photographs Northern Ireland’s burgeoning tourist boom

A photograph from Welcome to Belfast by Martin Parr. © Martin Parr / Magnum Photos

Zbigniew Rogalski - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Dad lost his £3m Warhol work? Then make a movie

Lisanne Skyler’s new film Brillo Box (3¢ Off) traces her dad's pop art bargain from the streets of NY to Christie's

A still from Lisanne Skyler’s new film Brillo Box (3¢ Off)

The school that linked the Bauhaus to the iPhone

New London show looks at the Ulm School which brought scientific thinking to 20th century design

Advertisement for Erbotherm, heat therapy unit. Designers: Tomás Maldonado, with Gui Bonsiepe and Rudolf Scharfenberg. 1962, Manufacturer: Erbe Elektromedizin. Photo by Wolfgang Siol. Courtesy HfG-Archiv / Ulmer Museum

Why Obama just visited Theaster Gates' arts centre

The President came to the Stony Island Arts Bank to help a local politician, and warn against bad election choices

Barack Obama at the Stony Island Arts Bank. Image courtesy of the Rebuild Foundation's Twitter

Christine Streuli - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Christine Streuli photographed by Benjamin Zibner

Toby Mott on the punk poster every collector wants

Punk graphics archivist and Phaidon author shares another highlight from his new book in this short video

Toby Mott at the John Varvatos store in London for the launch of Oh So Pretty Punk in Print 1976-80

Meet Tomi Ungerer (and his lost classics)

The author is coming to London next month to discuss his life and work. Find out how you can get tickets

Tomi with his new Phaidon book, Tomi Ungerer: A Treasury of 8 Books - photo by Herman Baily

Patricia Urquiola’s spiritual stainless steel collection

The Spanish designer’s new collection for Georg Jensen makes this simple material look remarkably luxurious

Patricia Urquiola’s Urkiola collection for Georg Jensen

Why the Queen just gave Martin Parr a bronze acorn

The photographer was honoured alongside Iwona Blazwick and Cornelia Parker at the Royal Academy yesterday

The Royal Academy's bronze acorn, London. Image courtesy of the Royal Academy

An art lesson from 'new' painter Etel Adnan (91)

An Artspace interview with the Vitamin P3 featured artist on how art feeds our spirit and humanises us

Etel Adnan in her studio. Photo by Fabrice Gilbert, courtesy Galerie Lelong and Artspace

Toby Mott talks us through his punk archive

Discover the impromptu ways Mott came by his peerless collection of punk graphic design collection in this video

Poster for The Clash’s On Parole tour, June/July 1978. Courtesy of The Mott Collection

COS brings its Agnes Martin line to the high street

The minimalist Swedish retailer has launched a capsule collection in honour of Agnes Martin’s Guggenheim show

COS x Agnes Martin Guggenheim 2016. Image courtesy of COS

Why does Cai Guo-Qiang like blowing things up?

A new Netflix documentary, premiering this Friday, examines the Chinese artist and his love of explosives

Steven Holl autographs his new Queens library!

Architect joins community leaders at the topping out ceremony for Hunters Point Community Library, NY

Steven Holl at the topping out ceremony for Hunters Point Community Library, Long Island City

Bartek Materka - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Baterka Materka

The dumb film behind Shepard Fairey's new print

The OBEY and HOPE artist draws from Mike Judge’s lost classic, Idiocracy, when drawing up this political work

Idiocracy (2016) by Shepard Fairey. Available for a limited time at

Vitamin P2 artist Adrian Ghenie breaks sale records

His 2008 work Nickelodeon went for over 4 times its estimate last night. Is it time you looked at Vitamin P3?

Meleko Mokgosi - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Meleko Mokgosi

A kiln-style museum for porcelain's ancient home

The history of porcelain will be told in this extraordinary fired-earth structure destined for north-eastern China

Jingdezhen Historical Museum of Imperial Kiln by Studio Pei-Zhu

The hidden poetry in Edmund de Waal’s Frieze show

The artist and Phaidon author talks us through his new works which occupy all of the Gagosian stand at Frieze

Edmund de Waal at Frieze, London 2016

Toby Mott launches Punk In Print at John Varvatos

Punk graphics archivist teams up with John Varvatos, Phaidon and Artspace for launch party and exhibition

Nick Rhodes and Nefer Suvio at John Varvatos

The story behind that pink table at Frieze

Artist Portia Munson tells us how her love of pink led to this feminist work, which is proving to be a hit at Frieze

Pink Project: Table (1994/2016) by Portia Munson. Photograph by Linda Nylind. Courtesy of Linda Nylind/Frieze.

Could Atlanta build a High Line over this highway?

City planners hope to bring this linear park to a newly built space above a busy city freeway

Buckhead Park Over GA400 by Rogers Partners

Jamian Juliano-Villani - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Jamian Juliano-Villani photographed by Aubrey Mayer

A Movement in a Moment: The Harlem Renaissance

Discover how a group of artists in early 20th century Manhattan used art to forge a new African-American identity

Into Bondage (1936) by Aaron Douglas. From Color Line

5 things that could only happen at Frieze

Look out for Julie Verhoeven's fine-art lavatory intervention, chimps, puppets and Donald Trump in psychoanalysis

A still from Julie Verhoeven's Whiskers Between my Legs (2014)

Dexter Dalwood - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Dexter Dalwood photographed by Paul McGeiver

How Sasha Petraske reinvented the speakeasy

Our new book by the barman sheds light on how the native New Yorker changed the way we drink

Barman and Regarding Cocktails author Sasha Petraske

Take a listen to Toby Mott's punk playlist on Spotify

Oh So Pretty Punk In Print author and graphic archivist talks us through 15 songs that embody the punk spirit

The promo poster for Anarchy In The UK by Sex Pistols - From Oh So Pretty Punk In Print 1976-80

Louisa Gagliardi - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Louisa Gagliardi photographed by Adam Cruces

Could we shrink, curve or sink NYC's Bus Terminal?

We all know the Port Authority Bus Terminal is a little broken -opinions differ however, on how best it might be fixed

A rendering from Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects' Port Authority Bus Terminal

The fashion elite turn out for Grace’s Paris signing

Stars of our new book, Grace: The American Vogue Years, celebrated Coddington’s career at her Colette signing

Natalia Vodianova with Grace Coddington at Colette, Paris, 2016

Sascha Braunig - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Sascha Braunig

Why is Johnny Depp hiding his art collection?

Which works occupy these obscured frames in Depp’s LA home, currently on the market for $12.78m?

Eastern Columbia Penthouse Collection Of Johnny Depp. Image courtesy of Partners Trust

How Warhol made Stephen Shore drop out of school

The veteran photographer tells WSJ why the Factory crowd caused him to take a less academic path

Stephen Shore: Rene Ricard, Susan Bottomly, Eric Emerson, unidentified woman; middle row: Mary (Might) Woronov, Andy Warhol, Ronnie Cutrone; background: Paul Morrissey, Edie Sedgwick. Paraphernalia’s opening and show (1966); clothes designer Betsey Johnson, store owner Paul Young, 1965-7 (page 113). © Stephen Shore

From Book to Bid – Agnes Martin’s Praise

At auction at Christie's, this deceptively simple grid-like work from 1985 describes a simple, meditative beauty

Sarah Cain - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Rem Koolhaas's EU lounge for the Design Museum

Discover why the lovely furniture, and scary crowd, suit the museum’s forthcoming exhibition Fear and Love

OMA's The Pan-European Living Room. Image courtesy of OMA and the Design Museum

Meet Peter Koepke and his secret pattern library

Discover how Koepke's Design Library has, for decades served as the fashion business's secret inspiration source

Peter Koepke at the Design Library. Photo credit: Mark Mahaney

Zach Harris - Why I Paint

Exploring the creative processes of tomorrow's artists today - as featured in Vitamin P3

Zach Harris

Ai Weiwei and Edmund de Waal’s ceramics show

The artists and ceramicists hope their new show will re-establish the medium's rightful place within fine art

The Wave (2014) by Ai Weiwei. © Ai Weiwei Studio